
Monday, June 4, 2018

Yellow Rose Cross Stitch, Old Finishes

Sneaking in a finish. This one has been a long time in the making. So much so, that I lost the chart, and had to buy it again.  Very small Yellow Rose cross stitch on 14ct white. Just under 5x7in, with backstitching and one blended color in the rose.  Happy to have this done, I have a few more like this that have sat for a while.  Up on Ebay and Etsy listing will be coming soon.

I am almost done with my Pink Goldfish, so I should have that up here in a few days. It's been fun, not as scary as I though, for a bigger project, or being square. But, I will, absolutely being doing other crafts than just the diamond paintings.  I am resolved to get some older projects finished and listed of all kinds.  Have to finish the old, to make room for the new, anyway.

I'm also back to buying some beads and other things. It will be a bit different, but I am still keeping some stock, as I can also get some much needed crafting supplies as well--finally. So the beads on ebay will not be disappearing as quickly as you think. Still need a little boost in getting by, will just have to see how long and how well it is working.