
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

After Vacation

So I am going on vacation soon, a pivotal point(one of) in time this year. I've been holding off moving the real business end of things forward until after I get back. Not like I don't always have a million things to do anyway, and it's a much needed vacation to FL to check future living arrangements out, but it's a nagging thing that I am somewhat on pause.

I expect to be on pause again when we actually do an extended move later on this year, so even ramping things up over the summer feels like it will be kind of a false start! I do have financial and personal needs towards getting things going, so you should be seeing some actual progress in the coming months, but again, until the move is complete(Dec?) and I know where all my things are, I'm kind of twiddling my thumbs.

Well, more like stitching furiously. I've taken a break from the HAED projects lately, other things have been really pressing, and those take a great deal of focus and huge amount of time. I will be taking Faces with me on vacation though. I have still been cross stitching, on a Design Works kit call Frog Pile. Very cute . I hope to have it done before vacation to list for sale so there is one up there.

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