So I couldn't stand it, and started Treasures, on that new pinkish fabric I got just for this project in mind. Just ugh...feeling jinxed on this whole project already. Not buying fabric like this on ebay again. It should be evenweave, maybe cashel? don't know, just slinky and stretchy. It's supposed to be 28ct, looks to be no more than 27 if that. And, the coloring is only on the front, the back is completely white.......and it bleeds. So.............the stitches look uneven. There is more space than I like between the stitches, & the fabric shows through. And, so much white thread, but umm, it's not exactly looking bright white. The first couple rows look like a 5th grader did it. Hopefully it's going to settle out nicely as I get a few more rows done. I'll take a picture soon, so you can look. At this point, I have just said screw it, it should just come out crazy cool.
Faces Luna(my avatar) stitching has gone in the trash. I still have the chart, but not sure if I really will restart it. This was my first super complex chart, started Dec 2009 and obviously a new learning curve there. It was 25ct, 2x1 full cross, gridded with regular dark floss, and I hopped around stitching where ever, like I do. I considered stopping a couple months ago, and restarting, but figured I could just change up when I stitched, fresh, quiet time, short bursts, and I would be able to get it done. Nope. Just not happy with it. I've started a couple others since then, all with different fabric etc, and just not having quite that problem. Granted, it was way confetti heavy, the whole top half, not the greatest for a first start. It was just too frustrating. So 25ct with 2x1 full cross anyway. Top choice is 28ct 1x1 full cross. If I grid, only with something like Sulky metallic thread. And only working along in small sections, completing all the colors before I go too far.
I am also in on Chelsea's gift, if anyone has been reading that from the HAED board. I didn't know her, but it sounds like such a cool thing. Only 20 stitchers, each completing a section of the Chelsea chart, by Hannah Lynn. The sections will be placed against a quilting fabric and put together that way, for her mom. Not like I need to take on another project, but I've been feeling a little lax in my giving back, and a bit distant from other stitchers; such like minded people. So you'll see some updates on that, no idea yet which piece of the chart I will have.
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So sorry you had to trash your stitching. It's such an awful feeling. I hope you restart it. I hadn't heard about the Chelsea's gift project. What a great idea!! And I can't wait to see your piccys when you post them. I love seeing what everyone is working on!!