
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Get them out of the drawer!

So there is a post about what people do with their finished XS pieces. And, like I thought, most sit in a drawer. Either the piece never made it to be a gift, or framing is too expensive(put your own word here)....or it was lovely to stitch, and that was as far as it got.

I tried to quietly put my .02 in, about trying to sell them. Quietly, don't want to irk anyone. If anyone has read way back.....I'd like to sell all this kind of stuff. Some of my views have changed on how large the undertaking would be, but the basic idea remains the same. And "raw", unframed is perfect! If you've looked on my site, The Blushin Rose ( or the holiday one ), you won't see a lot there, granted. Items are split between two sites, including beads, beginnings of HAED cross stitch charts, and other items that are not cross stitch, like felt ornaments and such. I have eased on pursuing other people, simply because I need to even get a few projects of my own done and listed!

And I am sure, something in there will need to be a HAED finish of my own, "first". I have been working on the SALs, and feel those should be giveaways, but we'll see. Faces Luna is not a giveaway, and I have pulled that out after a forced rest. SK Mermaid, SK Light of the World, and Terra (above) are all actively in the works. FrogPile is also being rotated, likely going to family. Etc etc etc. And before you know it, months have passed by.

I'm interested! What have you got to lose? Take those ones out that you will never hang, or gift or use for whatever you thought it might have been for. Get me some nice pictures, and we'll get it listed. You ship from your house(for now.) I am looking at pricing near a penny a stitch as a start, it can adjust down over time.

AND--it has to be quality work. I'm mainly looking for Heaven & Earth, Mystic Stitch, Golden Kite, Scarlet Quince, Art of Stitching type finishes. Heavy duty projects. (No get rich quick here.) I will also consider Lanarte, Mirabilia, Ink Circles, Chatelaine, etc type things. No primitive. Samplers would have to be stunning. Anything else small or cutesy is case-by-case, esp if it's not my own!

Still reading? Other crafty items will be mixed in, but I don't want to confuse anything here at the moment. So if you already stitch high quality original charted work, I'm happy to give it a go with putting it up for sale at a decent price--good art is worth it!

And, tomorrow if I get to it, is picture day. I took some WIP pics this afternoon.

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