
Thursday, December 30, 2010

HAED Sale & 2011 Goals

So, HAED still has a New Year's sale going on, 30% off through 1/2.

Looks like I may have a copy of Roanoke chart(discontinued) of Kinuko Y. Craft and HAED. I'll post more once I have it in my hands, but I'm thinking this will be for sale individually. $10 plus shipping, only one copy. Send me an email at the artists email on yahoo if someone is interested.

And, of course, there are discussions of 2011 resolutions and goals. For some reason, that always creeps up on me. Personally, I'll still be the same me, for the most part, perhaps even more "bitchy"/independent. Not winning friends there, but I'm happy with it. And on the craft front, well, I'll have to post that later. Someone even mentioned one goal for each month. Not for me, but nice idea. I have plenty to accomplish, along the lines of creating. Not so much businesswise, on the cross stitch front anyway---I have to make it to sell it! More later.....

Be safe and warm the rest of this holiday!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ok, more progress on SK Light of The World, better colors. Not sure I will get more done on that soon(sigh). Have picked up a hooded baby towel that needs to be personalized.....and other holidays etc to get working on.

Congrats to the HAED XMAS Contest winner, but the runner up chart was just lovely, too. More than I expected.

And I have the floss list for QS Terra Fairy Sprite in hand. Well, in the drawer. Can't even look at that right now. Itching to, but other things need to get done first. Need a pic at least in 6 months each over the year, so will get to see more pics, as it's a larger project.

Merry Christmas everyone! Count your blessings.....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Ornament and HAED Sale

Finally got another one done, man, I've been behind! That's it for XMAS stuff, at least for right now. I have floss organizing to do, and probably some destashing, etc. And, serious stitching.

HAED is having their XMAS Sale, 20% off til 12/19. And don't forget their contest!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

SK LOTW and New Year SAL

Ok,not a lot to see, but that is my picture last week of SK Light of the World. Took me way too long to start, but it is started. It will be fantastic when it's done, I'm sure of it, but I make no guarantees of when it will be!

Also, there is a new SAL for the full year starting soon with HAED, are you joining? I'm thinking it will be Terra Fairy......and again, I can't start it until I get SK Mermaid done; just not.