
Thursday, December 30, 2010

HAED Sale & 2011 Goals

So, HAED still has a New Year's sale going on, 30% off through 1/2.

Looks like I may have a copy of Roanoke chart(discontinued) of Kinuko Y. Craft and HAED. I'll post more once I have it in my hands, but I'm thinking this will be for sale individually. $10 plus shipping, only one copy. Send me an email at the artists email on yahoo if someone is interested.

And, of course, there are discussions of 2011 resolutions and goals. For some reason, that always creeps up on me. Personally, I'll still be the same me, for the most part, perhaps even more "bitchy"/independent. Not winning friends there, but I'm happy with it. And on the craft front, well, I'll have to post that later. Someone even mentioned one goal for each month. Not for me, but nice idea. I have plenty to accomplish, along the lines of creating. Not so much businesswise, on the cross stitch front anyway---I have to make it to sell it! More later.....

Be safe and warm the rest of this holiday!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ok, more progress on SK Light of The World, better colors. Not sure I will get more done on that soon(sigh). Have picked up a hooded baby towel that needs to be personalized.....and other holidays etc to get working on.

Congrats to the HAED XMAS Contest winner, but the runner up chart was just lovely, too. More than I expected.

And I have the floss list for QS Terra Fairy Sprite in hand. Well, in the drawer. Can't even look at that right now. Itching to, but other things need to get done first. Need a pic at least in 6 months each over the year, so will get to see more pics, as it's a larger project.

Merry Christmas everyone! Count your blessings.....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Ornament and HAED Sale

Finally got another one done, man, I've been behind! That's it for XMAS stuff, at least for right now. I have floss organizing to do, and probably some destashing, etc. And, serious stitching.

HAED is having their XMAS Sale, 20% off til 12/19. And don't forget their contest!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

SK LOTW and New Year SAL

Ok,not a lot to see, but that is my picture last week of SK Light of the World. Took me way too long to start, but it is started. It will be fantastic when it's done, I'm sure of it, but I make no guarantees of when it will be!

Also, there is a new SAL for the full year starting soon with HAED, are you joining? I'm thinking it will be Terra Fairy......and again, I can't start it until I get SK Mermaid done; just not.

Friday, November 19, 2010

HAED Thanksgiving Sale

Ok, the XMAS poinsettia kitchen towel, one of several, is done . Something along the line of real finished, ready to use products, have to have some of those. Corny perhaps, but necessary.

And HAED is having a Thanksgiving sale, 25% off through 11/26. Anybody thought about which 25 cross stitch charts they would like if they won the Christmas contest???

Thursday, November 11, 2010

HAED Veteran's Day Sale

Nice surprise, just saw on the Heaven and Earth Designs site that there is a 25% off sale, today only! Thank a vet and get some cross stitch charts! (And don't forget about their Christmas contest, if you can enter. That will be such fun for whoever wins!)

Not a lot else to report here, in a weird lull for XMAS. Working on XMAS kitchen towels(need something that is a truly "finished" product) and such. Brought out SK Mermaid and have done some stitches, still struggling with confetti. And I started SK LOTW last night, on 22ct white. Gotta have something for those pics!

And lastly, an update on those side money making things.....High marks for Onbux, moderate for Neobux.....and I am enjoying Swagbucks, too. (I also have Mturk going on the side...and Mypoints--I can send you a referral email.) Feel free to ask me on any of that stuff, questions, strategies, etc. Happy to share now that I've figured out what works!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pretty & Pink Finished

Ok, Pretty & Pink, the flamingo, is finished, photographed(so so) and listed on Artfire. Here Probably my quickest finish, while not working elsewhere. Blended colors, 2x2 on 28ct, eye is 1x1 though, and I was liking that a lot, may need to try more 1x1. HAED charts would fit on reasonable fabric sizes then. Working on more XMAS felt ornaments now. Things are a bit slower going than I'd like, and some other outside distractions, but I am making progress.

HAED is having a Halloween sale, cross stitch charts 25% off through 10/30. And, I do have to fit in time to work on SK Mermaid, and start SK Light of The World(1 page for end of year). Those were goals for the end of the year that it would be sweet to make. See how far I can get. Not sure if I mentioned those will be the beginnings of giveaway items.

Friday, October 1, 2010

New Online Store

I took advantage of opening another store on Artfire, but I don't have anything really done on it yet, so nothing particularly to show you. If you make holiday crafts though, I'd entertain the thought of putting them in this other store.

Pretty & Pink has been my main focus lately, hopefully that will be finished and listed within a week. Christmas stuff is on the brain, and I expect to be in high gear for that(and the beads, this is the time) until nearly XMAS, esp for the new store...

And of course, could just use the bucks. Not sure how people are getting by. In the meantime, updated my affiliate links....I do believe there is money there, for those who wait!! I personally like the "Bux" sites, PTC. No scam ones listed--but there are strategies(go google) on making real money, at least while they exist!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ok, well another picture first. Been able to concentrate some this week, and made a stuffed felt XMAS ornament, one from an old kit, to make six various Santas. Pretty pleased with that, is listed for sale already The Blushin Rose ...besides doing some cross stitch, too. And hey, very cool that Artfire has come out of beta and offering a $5.95 limited deal for a Pro store. Really like the changes going on over there.

And, HAED is having another sale, 25% off through 9/27/10. Astonishing to see the latest finished piece on the site right now...that chart has been calling to me for a while, but it really has to be an incredibly complex chart.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pretty & Pink Pics

Ok, some pics to tide you over. Things are a little crazy here.

The ornament, pphhhtt...listed for sale, something I am trying. First attempt, others will be better. Yellow Rose, very small, was working on it to tide me over, but OMG I think I just can't do 14ct anymore. And Pretty & Pink flamingo, wow. Garish to some perhaps. This really is close to the right color, very dark red pink, on the Lily Pond fabric. And a really nice project for me lately!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Pretty & Pink Flamingo

Hmm, well, I don't think the gaming thing will work....and I sent back one the home assembly things. Getting cranky in my old age!

Starting to list some Swarovski 5328 crystals on my Artfire site, hopefully I'll get them all listed soon. Obviously I can't order more if they don't sell! The Blushin Rose

Still in limbo with my stuff, and may be for a while, on hold for moving it here. So I have a new project in the works. Pretty & Pink, a dark flamingo, from Crossed Wing. Picked it up at a LNS, thank God for that! Anyway, working on that, even with the colored fabric, very nice, it's going to be pretty, although certainly bright, when it's done. And I hope I have it done in a few weeks and listed for sale, really need to get that moving. Pretty & Pink model.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

HAED Labor Day Sale

So, just not to forget....HAED is having their Labor Day Sale, 25% off through 9/06/10.

And, off the path, anybody tried work at home/MLM stuff? I've tried a bunch, and looked at many more. Most don't work, that's how I ended up doing my own crafty thing. But, it does take serious time and effort to do a quality process, crafty stuff or anything else. Anyway, I've revisited some of those type things, since I am now on entirely my own time from day to day, and anything to help make all this a success.......Generally, I've learned to NOT put down any serious money, but this is one I am going to try that does require money, and as such, I'm putting it out here for you to look at. I do think this could be very successful. FantaZ Games . Play your favorites, Bejeweled etc, even Fantasy Football type....all skill games, for free or cash, and even as MLM to make money. Any questions, let me know. I'll keep you posted on that, and my other work at home attempts of late, as they develop.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

HAED purchasing

Want a selection of HAED cross stitch charts always on sale for you? Then this is the time to think long and hard about that wishlist you have. I will be putting together a large wholesale order from Heaven and Earth Designs very soon! Once I get them sorted, I will be putting up detailed listings for them on my Artfire site, The Blushin Rose.
(all links over there on the left, all the time)
I include size, number of threads, and if there are specialty threads---for EVERY LISTING. No guessing against the site if there is incomplete info. Anyway, I'd be happy to order anything you might have been thinking about getting. It doesn't mean you have to purchase it right then. (Most will be all Large Format, and many in duplicate numbers.) If you specifically want me to save it for you for a while, I can do that, if you can't buy it when it arrives. But as I work through the set, it will eventually be listed for sale, as I can get to it. Artfire is still slow moving at this point, so it will likely stay available if you still can't purchase or are not sure about purchasing that much at one time, etc. My prices are 15% off the every day pricing, so always on sale.

I will also be placing a very small order with Golden Kite, if there are any cross stitch charts from there that you might like---let me know!

And yes...I've moved. No, not organized yet. But on the path to some serious sales activity.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

HAED Bob's Birthday Sale

25% off sale at HAED through the 8th as Bob's Birthday sale--grab em' quick!

On that note, I will be off for a bit, moving now. Having separation anxiety from my stuff, so I'll be back just as soon as I am a little organized.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

HAED Sale This Friday Only!

I just got a notice in my inbox that HAED will be having a Black Friday in July Sale for tomorrow only. July 23 all day, 30% off. I know a bunch of you are in love with the Nene Thomas charts that are rolling out, don't blame you! Great time to get some.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

WIP Pics

Ok, some updates. I have some new pics for Faces Luna(HAED), SK Mermaid(HAED), and then two others. Hummingbird, from Candamar, 14ct ivory. When I do the better pics, it will be listed for sale, as the stitching is finished. Also Frog Pile from Design Works, also 14ct, white. It's about half way finished. That will have to do you for pictures for a while, like Sept.

And I am doing the SK Light of the World for the new SAL, but haven't started it yet. I really think I need to get the Mermaid finished first. We'll see.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Ok, this time I'm on top of it. HAED 4th of July sale on now, 25% off through 7/6. Have you seen some of those Nene Thomas charts out now?? Wow, those sure are pretty, and stirring lots of interest.

Some of those matte crystals are up already.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

HAED Father's Day Sale

Not meaning to slight anyone, so still a few hours to take advantage of that Father's Day sale at HAED, ends tonight!

Just back from vacation, lots of changes. Pretty good trip, but always seems too busy. We have picked a house, already, quicker than we expected. We'll see if that's the one we can get. If so, we could be moving to FL in Sept. Also, the real world job I had has pretty much disappeared, got that news while on vacation, too. So I have some pressure now to make this craft stuff activity step up quite a bit.

I also bought just a few little sets of Swarovski crystals, to frost. So you will see some of those up on Artfire too, just as soon as I can do them. (TheBlushinRose) Have done some stitching on Faces, should be able to post a WIP pic, and some other stitching on smaller pieces that will also be up on Artfire.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So is everybody signed up for the HAED July SK SAL??? Time is running out! I picked Light of the World, a lovely angel. Again, not exactly my type, but it just jumped out at me from the other selections. I will post pictures as I get started next month, and I should have an update on at least Faces Luna since I have it with me, perhaps even a little on the SK Mermaid.

And yes, I am on vacation. (Yay!) Much needed. Having a pretty good time, but still not getting much cross stitch in right now. Some, and anything is progress, right?

When I get back, I hope to place a small order with Golden Kite for some charts to list. I don't get as much of a discount as I do with HAED, but I'd like to get a few. So requests, please! (I do take requests without the requirement of purchasing. It will be listed on the website for you, or anyone else, to purchase at their leisure.) Otherwise, I may just order from HAED instead for now, I've seen some lovely charts released lately. You may request a purchase directly from me (email me at artistsforhire on yahoo, or twitter) or I will list them over on my Artfire site. For HAED, I generally order the Large Format charts, and then it's 15% off that price--direct purchase or on my website. When I get the Golden Kite ones, I think it will be 15% off as well(plus any new release discount they may be offering still).

Happy stitching everyone!

Friday, May 21, 2010

HAED Memorial Day Sale

Don't forget, HAED is having a Memorial Day Sale on their cross stitch charts; 25% off through 5/25!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

After Vacation

So I am going on vacation soon, a pivotal point(one of) in time this year. I've been holding off moving the real business end of things forward until after I get back. Not like I don't always have a million things to do anyway, and it's a much needed vacation to FL to check future living arrangements out, but it's a nagging thing that I am somewhat on pause.

I expect to be on pause again when we actually do an extended move later on this year, so even ramping things up over the summer feels like it will be kind of a false start! I do have financial and personal needs towards getting things going, so you should be seeing some actual progress in the coming months, but again, until the move is complete(Dec?) and I know where all my things are, I'm kind of twiddling my thumbs.

Well, more like stitching furiously. I've taken a break from the HAED projects lately, other things have been really pressing, and those take a great deal of focus and huge amount of time. I will be taking Faces with me on vacation though. I have still been cross stitching, on a Design Works kit call Frog Pile. Very cute . I hope to have it done before vacation to list for sale so there is one up there.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Golden Kite added!

I got approved this week to also be a reseller for Golden Kite cross stitch patterns as well! Yay, that took a little while to get the approval, but I am glad I have it now. Those will also be offered at a discount on my site when I can get an order together. Please let me know if you are eyeing anything from GK, I'd be happy to stock and list them.

Heaven and Earth Designs is also in swing for their Mother's Day sale, 25% off through 5/9/10.

Still working on my Frog Pile cross stitch, should have it finished soon I hope. Haven't touched the HAED SK Mermaid or Faces while working on the frogs....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Goals for 2010

Thought I would get back to this; I have a bunch of other things rumbling around in my head about the business, but this part should be simpler!

So, main stitching type goals: I'd like to have Faces Luna HAED finished by Dec, that would be a one year project if I can finish by then. Trying to see if that is realistic with everything else going on. I'm making okay progress, so not out of the running yet.
SK Mermaid HAED. I was hoping for June/July. Don't know if I'll make it, haven't finished page one yet still, although page two looks very easy with blocks of color. The confetti stitching was a little more than I expected, but the 22ct is nice.
At least one(two?) non HAED, easy cross stitch. I have Design Works Frog Pile that will be the start for that, a beach collage from Janlynn perhaps, and a tiger from Vervaco in sight.
And then I have non stitching craft stuff. I'd like to have at least one more designer quilt squares set done, besides getting the easier ones I have almost finished, done. Some knit discloth sets, and maybe some crochet squares. I've started a felt XMAS stocking too, barely, it would be nice if I could get that done.
Business wise, I need to be making enough money to go back to doing all this full time. I'm doing some full time work for someone else right now. So I need that to transition by Sept.

And non business wise, we are looking at house hunting, hoping to pick a house in the SW FL coast and be able to move in by Dec. Plenty on my plate, but looking forward to most of it these days, a welcome change!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Reseller of HAED Charts!

Ok...first off...HAED is having a sale right now, 25% off til 4/4.

But I got approved to be a reseller of HAED charts! I will have them listed, as I can, over on The Blushin Rose on Artfire. They will be at 15% lower than the everyday price. I always tend to get the Large Format charts, just so much easier for everyone. So let me know if there is something in particular you'd like to see me stock!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More Update Pics, HAED Sale

Ok, some more update pics on Faces Luna, and SK Mermaid. While I do have news, it will probably be a while before I post any more update pics.
HAED is having a sale until midnight tomorrow, 3/18, 30% off cross stitch charts. I did get Oceania and Wall's Snow Queen.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Beginning

Ok, not quite THAT beginning, I haven't gotten back there yet. But the new online storefront is beginning. I purchased the pro store on Artfire at the end of Feb. and did some so so graphics with what I could work with at the time to give it a face. I don't have any products on it right this second. It will probably still have beads and crystals on it mostly at first, until I can get some of the craft projects loaded.

So......patience, the official journey has begun. And yes, I can start taking some stitching etc on consigment to it(60/30split).

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Update Pics

Ok, it's been almost a month, and I do have more pics of the two HAED. (Don't always expect them this often!)



Sunday, February 7, 2010


HAED is having a sale, through 2/14. 25% off cross stitch charts, a good time to stock up---I did! (Umbrella Sky, Magical Arrival, Shining On, SK Blossoms, and SK Die Wulkur.)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Online StoreFront

First, I appreciate the notes and comments about parting with your work. I know it's a tough thing........but after time passes.....

Anyway, I've dabbled around on Ebay for years, buying and selling. The latest round of changes there just doesn't make a lot of sense to continue with, not for me, not right now. I was selling a low volume, but steady, amount of craft supplies. It's relatively easy, and has made some money, and helps bide the time for when I can sell finished/mostly finished handmade items. Unfortunately(sort of), it seems that time may be just about now. I personally haven't quite been ready, much less anyone that wants to join me, but oh well, looks like it's time to at least get started. I've considered a few things and places, and right now, I think ArtFire has my vote. I can sell both the supplies for a while(beads and crystals mostly), and ever so slowly add handmade pieces.

I should be starting the transition around the end of the month, so stay tuned!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photos of WIPS

Ok, Faces Luna, and Mermaid of the Deep SK, both HAED. Both taken from my cell tonight.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How much is it worth? Pt 1

So I had a phrase added to my blog url on the HAED message board, for better attention. How much is it worth? If you were to stitch a HAED or Mystic Stitch, whatever, lovely piece of artwork---how much do you think it's worth, if you were to get paid for it. And I KNOW some of you already have pieces that are finished. So, after all is said and done, what would it take for you to part with it, and be reasonably pleased? I'm curious as to your thoughts, anything from the storykeep size, to a small, med or large project.

I have somewhat of a formula I am working on, to determine what would be realistic and satisfying. At least for the cross stitch. And in the meantime, I need to add up the stitch count for Faces, and see if it's even feasible for me to have it finished this calendar year.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So the SO and I(yes, I have one of those) were having a discussion about photo hosting, for an album. Way back, I used to use AOL, and that's not an option. And he wants to know why, being a business....that I would need one. Is it going to make me money? After all the time it takes for taking even halfway decent pictures, cropping and loading. No, not offhand. And I'm not going to have a lot of updates. But I do think it's important, keeps things real. I need it for the HAED SAL, like have to. But, I'd like to have it as a portfolio in a sense, you know what I can do, and you know that it's ME personally making these things. (I'll always note it if it's someone else's.) And it just fosters some connection. I'm not always the warmest person, esp when I am concentrating on I'd like to have some nice things to show; I know there isn't much now, but as we go along, I'd like people to see and be excited about what's going on. And I certainly like looking at everyone else's stuff. So even though you won't see the latest snowfall, or little ones in costumes and what have you, I should have pictures of various crafty things available soon.

In the meantime, stitching on Faces. I should have enough for a picture soon. I still have to get started on the HAED SAL mermaid, haven't started. Still musing over Misty Benson not having charts available through HAED, one or two of those I wanted!