
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Moon Lake Pixel WIP, Mono

It's been a while since I have posted just a WIP, and since I am behind schedule, I thought this one would be nice.  It's a pixel kit, Moon Lake, a white tiger against a midnight background.  Loving the colors.  Baseplate 1 (2 is also finished) of 12 plates.  I was hoping to be done in January with this, but it's not on track.

I also sold more of the heart ornaments, which I hadn't made....oops.  So I rushed to get those done in one busy night already; nice to know I could get them done that fast. I prefer not to have to work like that, though!   I haven't had a chance to finish others, and since I am behind, I may keep cranking on making them and listing them.  It's very hard to move on to other projects when these were doing so well----and taking up space. I'd probably make a mess putting them away, too, that somehow the beads and sequins would spill, thread would be tangled......sigh.

Mostly I am behind, because I got sick.  I broke out in a bad case of what appears to be mono, right before Thanksgiving.  Ouch.  Not much to do, except rest, and rest, and rest.  The fatigue can last for 3 months, contagious for...oh, who knows, a year and a half.  Sheesh.  I don't know how I could get a dang sickliest type cold to drag me down when I need to be working on things nearly 'round the clock, but that would be typical of me. 

I am slowly back to working on things, so I think whatever I can work on, much less get finished, has to be listed, even if it's off season.  I just feel lucky that so far, the holiday season has mostly been a good one; some very special connections renewed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sold stars, so more felt tree ornaments!

I really am trying to keep busy, and actually get some of those dreaded FINISHES!!  Lol, why is the last step always the hardest?  I sold the star pair from this set, on etsy, so now I made the trees.  These are turning out pretty nicely, so I am pleased.  The other ornaments in the set (Bucilla Nordic Santa) are now different, and a bit more challenging; I've been working on them, but slowly.  So these are now listed, on ebay and etsy .  I did buy more of the kits, so I can still re-make all of them, in pairs, at least one more time.

This is mostly the last week for a real XMAS kick. I have several Christmas things, but the pressure will be off, to finish or make at least anything new.  If I get them done, I might list them, otherwise, if I feel like I can at least let them sit, I will.  I don't know that I will have that luxury, but at least January, perhaps March, before I put new items like these up.  ---IF my other new non holiday things are doing well.  (But then again, there is always stuff now to do for Halloween!!  ha)

Friday, November 11, 2016

Four Seasons Summer cross stitch

This is another of the Four Seasons finished. Summer is also 1x1, 2x1 and some backstitching on white 18ct. From the cross stitch kit of tiny 3x5" set by Vervaco.  Ebay and Etsy  listing of it.

That and everything I need to catch up on is at least keeping me busy, distracted from the news, the dreary weather, and all these deadlines that seem to be creeping up on me.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Four Seasons Spring Cross Stitch, Computer KO

Yay, my computer is back up!  Two weeks of weirdness and waiting for parts in the mail, etc.  Whew.  I was really starting to sweat that much down time.  Looks like I will be buying a new computer soon.  There wasn't much harm done in being down that long, but I can't have that happen again.

At least I got some good stitching time in.  This one is from a Vervaco kit, called Four Seasons.  This is the Spring. (2x1, 1x1 and backstitching on 18ct) For now, I will offer them individually, but I may put them together as a set, once I have stitched them all.  These are tiny, about 3x5".  Ebay and Etsy  both have it up.  I will be adding the other seasons as I get them done, hopefully soon.

****Well, funny(not funny), I was in the middle of this post, when the computer died.  The hard drive gave out, and not quite sure anything is recoverable.  Ouch.  I have been offline the better part of another two weeks or more.  I did get a bit more stitching time in, and some beading, so I will post more finishes, etc. as I get this new computer figured out a bit. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

A bright spot in another odd week, Star Ornaments

So, my cord on my laptop burned out.  3rd time, I knew it was coming, but I didn't order the cord quickly enough, and I have mostly been offline for the week.  I am struggling right now, with one of the other burned out cords, that still had a little juice in it; tired of waiting for the new cord.

Means I have had time to stitch!  I got the next nicer ones in the ornament set done--I know I said I wasn't, but the heart set already sold!   And since I had so much time, I brought out the kits and started to work on a few of them already, when I got the notice that the hearts sold on ebay.  So real quickly, I made the similar stars in the set, and those are now listed, ebay  and already on etsy  as well. 

When I get a chance, I will be working on some of the other pieces in the set.  I have ordered more of those kits, on sale even, so other than the hearts right now, I have time to let that sit before I remake a bunch more, depending on what sells.  (This is the Bucilla Nordic Santa series.)

I started a new cross stitch, medium size magnolia flower that is turning out so much better than the picture.  I hope that will be a finish pretty soon.  This last order of stuff, I got a really cool tiger with a midnight sky pixel kit, huge, I am really wanting to start that.  And it's all about as much finishes as I can get going, the cycle has started, so lots on my plate. I'm excited!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Nordic Santa, Bucilla felt Hearts pair, after a long week

So I was kind of cramming to get a finish this week.  I had a nice, bigger felt project, that I got all done, washed it, and yuck....the placement lines didn't come out.  I thought I had it lined up well, but it obviously wasn't covering all the lines, and that it would be fine after washing, light and dark lines.  No.  So I am stuck on that right now, going to have to work with that, to get that in shape to be able to sell; back to the back burner for now. I was fretting still about having finish to sell, plus I always have another running project as an in-progress WIP to show, these days, and was short on both.   I started a plastic canvas kit of a dragon, really cute, although I momentarily short circuited on how to do the half stitches on a PC design, it's been so long.  I had to go look it up, as this is not a simple pattern.   I switched off that after a little bit, getting back to a little zoo animal cross stitch, hoping to make that my finish.  No way, simply too much left to do. 

I went back to the felt, and brought out 2 ornament kits.  I had to get two, as this one did not have them in pairs. I was not intending to work on these for this year, it didn't seem like there was time, much less not the prettiest ones in the set first!  And in about 6 hours out of a 24 hour time period, I made the pair.  One of my quickest finishes ever, a pair of hearts from the Bucilla Nordic Santa ornament series.   Already up on Ebay  .  If it lasts, it will go on Etsy next week. 

I put the rest of the ornament kits away, as I have too many other things to get finished. Several things started, that I need to get done in rather quick order.  I got the letter that says I am now physically healthy enough to work a regular job.  Lol, not true, by any means of the imagination, so I have a lot of work to do here, will be burning the midnight oil, I think, for some time to come. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Pixel Mosaic, XMAS Puppies, a Christmas start

I thought I would try to get a little more holiday type stuff going, so I started a pixel mosaic kit, (tiny plastic pegs on a board).  This is Christmas Puppies.  The first plate is finished, there are 9 plates total, that will connect when done.  So 15x12", 91 colors total. I am really liking the effect.

I have a few more projects that are close to being finished, so I hope I will have more pretty soon. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Stocking Felt XMAS Ornaments Finished

And here is the other half of the felt ornament set from Vervaco.  About 4" little red and white sealed stockings, stuffed, metallic cord to hang, with snowflakes.  Up on Ebay  and Etsy soon.

Working on a Christmas pixel kit, puppies now, too, giving myself just a hair bit of a break on the cross stitch.  A bit more complex though, hopefully it's one of the other things I can get finished before the holiday season starts.

Friday, June 24, 2016

XMAS Santa Felt Ornament Finish

A finish!  Part of it anyway.  This is half of a kit from a discontinued Vervaco.  Simple Nordic felt ornaments, one red, one off white.  Stuffed and with metallic cord, ready to go and listed  on ebay for sale.  The other half are two tone stockings, in the same colors and style. I'll have those up as soon as I get them washed and cord attached.  I'll add them to Etsy soon, if they don't sell quickly, and will post those links as I can.

It's been a rough few months, life has been crazy.  But the summer slowness has set in, so I hope to be getting quite a few more things worked on, finished, and listed.  I'm ready.  Past ready.  I've been working hard, with not much quiet time to let it show. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Cross Stitch Finish, Bucilla Live Simply Mushrooms
So I have a finish, finally, on a cross stitch.  Amazing, since life doesn't seem to be slowing down, at the moment.  It's very small, so not exactly the kind of finish I wanted, but one nonetheless.  And it's the first one done, since turning my life upside down almost 2 years ago, voluntarily. This is from a Bucilla kit, one of those little 5x7" ones.  Called "Live Simply", cute little mushrooms and leaves.  14ct white aida, 2x1 full cross.  It's listed on ebay  right now, as long as it lasts. (US only)
Added to Etsy now.
And I am amazed, really. It took me less than a month from start to finish.  Hopefully I will get at least a few more small items completed soon! 

Friday, February 5, 2016


I've been posting WIPS of various crafts and projects on the Facebook page each week for this year, but am not going to cross post them all here.  I thought I would post this one though, as I have a little spare time.  This is an update on QS Motherhood from HAED.  It's about 70% done, and I haven't picked it up in a while. (Besides being busy, this is one of my older pieces, from before I broke away for a new life.  I've committed to only trying to work on one of those from that time period at a time, and slowly, as it is emotionally difficult.)  This is a grayscale piece of art, and very small, so I hope I can break through the block and get it done.  1x1 full cross on 25ct antique white, including the sparkly threads, 4 x 3/34" size.

It looks like I have another physical move, in the works.  I will be clearing out a few bead items, trimming up the supplies and business end a little. It needs to be downsized slightly, to fit for the move, and for more effective items.  This move should be the 2nd to last(very last).  And once I arrive, over the summer, I will be putting some serious effort into expanding, both for the beads and the finished items.