
Monday, December 1, 2014

It's Been A While

So this is just the online art image of what I had started a few months back, that would be easier.  Called Tiger, by Design Works.  I have made a good dent in it, for being a dark 14ct, but as usual, things went a bit haywire, and I haven't picked it up lately.  Hopefully, it's time to pick up the needle and attack it, it's a lovely, easier chart. 
So anyway, I moved again.  Kind of abruptly, towards the end of the summer.   Where I was before, was a nice break to hide out and de-stress, but I wasn't making progress really for income and productive things.  I had an offer to move back to an old place that I was familiar with, to give me a bit of a breather, and get my head on straight.  Other than catching up on making some money, and just figuring out what I might want out of life, in a more personal sense, I obviously still disappeared a bit.
There are only so many hours in a day, and some of the crafting and business end went by the wayside for a while.  I was waiting for an advertising ad copy to be done and published, much delayed, but that seems to be out circulating now.  (I can't go by and check, but online traffic is increasing.)   I've become quite anxious to get back in the swing of things again, and have gotten back to sorting, and working the business end, selling craft items online, Ebay and Bonanza, and working on Facebook, general social media.  A full time thing in itself, right?  And, of course, mentally fresher for some more challenging projects and ideas.
Hopefully, all is well in everyone else's part of the world, and really, I'll be back much sooner with some more updates!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Do Over

I usually always post pics now when I post, but am not up to it right now.  Soon, I hope--I think.

So, I've been struggling with some really stupid and on.  Really for years. (Ha, my entire life!)  Always some humdinger combination.  And I finally decided to make a break from it all.  And I did.  At this age and station in life, not a lot holding me in place.  So I grabbed some of my craft stuff, and walked away from the rest of my life as it was.

Crazy or just ballsy, whichever. (And broke!) Happiness is important.  Living life how I want is pretty crucial.  And it just wasn't happening.  And I have been continually frustrated that my crafts/art still seemed to take a pointless backseat to other things that just don't matter that much to me.  I am not complete without my creativity.  And that's how I want to make a living and be known.

So, here's to a complete do over on life at this moment.  It's all on me now.  And I anxiously look forward to having some new things to finish and share soon.   Cheers!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ad copy

I thought I had posted this already.  Guess not!  This was the ad for restaurant tables.  I went by to see if the tables were in place yet, but not yet. Good thing, since I'm not quite as ready as I'd like.  The last stitching project I finished sold before I could put it as a steady piece available(hummingbird).

So now I am busy trying to get more things ready.  And as always, there isn't enough time in the day for all the things going on.  But busy is good. At least the beads that I have up are selling.  I'll get there, over time. Not as fast as people want, but well, such is life!

Hope everyone is getting back into a routine after the holidays and ready for spring.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Real Business Start!!

The Blushin Rose
So I signed an advertising contract today.  A little bit of awkward timing, but it fell into my lap and would have been silly to turn it down.  And the turnaround time is pretty quick, it may be running in about a month.  I still have to work on the ad copy and just how I want it to look, in only a few days, that's part of what is awkward, since I didn't quite have things in place like I wanted, I thought that would be at least two months from now to have the site(s) in nicer shape.

The other part that is awkward is that I don't seem to have enough of the right product ready.  I had started filling the back items, craft and bead items to sell to have some rounded stock and be sure to have lookers/customers while having a little more(a lot more) time for significant finished items to be listed.  And the craft items are doing well, I'm really pleased to see traffic and sales picking up.  But I'm still in that weird space of not having the finished items, and a collection of them, at the ready, to put in a nice section, to get that started.

So, I am definitely still looking for cross stitchers!!  Stitch For Me  website has most all the details.  This is for those that love to cross stitch already, and would like to make money as a work at home project.  If you are looking to stitch, please email me directly here, not on the business pages.

More details and links coming soon! The image is clickable above to the business Facebook page--the working product pages are coming.