I haven't made much progress on some other projects, so instead of posting my itsy new bits, I posted a newer one I haven't shown before. This is Motherhood, from HAED, a very small black and white piece. Time for to go back to some simple concentration. 25ct white(I'd like to do it on some other baby colors) 1x1 full cross. I haven't worked much with 25ct, my first attempts with the recommended 2x1 was disastrous, but I'm liking the 1x1. I've done 1x1 on 28ct, and was afraid the coverage would be too light, but I like it, so hopefully I'll be using it more with all the 25ct I bought way back when.
Other than that, my personal life is in a total upheaval. Again. But this time, I'll be back on my own, so hopefully things will settle out and start to go more of the way I want, soon. So I am moving again. And this time, I don't have a lot of choices other than putting some serious effort into making my crafts as a business a success. Wish me luck!!! Still looking for stitchers, too, so you can join me. I even started a little crochet again, to take a break, so I may be able to mix up the things for sale a bit.