
Sunday, December 22, 2013

White Rose WIP

Probably my last update for the year.  It's been a while since I posted anything on this one.  This is White Rose from Mystic Stitch.  Nearly 1/3 of the way done.  No whites.  Black background being stitched, and this is 2x1 on 22ct white aida.   My notes say I started this in Mar 2011. 

I keep thinking this may be my first significant sized piece to finish.  But we'll see, I have at least one that I would like to start in January, that I want to finish within the year.  And another, adult themed one, that I would at least also like to start, can't help it, I need to get that one started, too. And I have plenty already started, most are more simple and smaller pieces.

So next year, I'm already planning.  I've bought hopefully a large chunk of all the supplies I will need, for those projects anyway. (Plenty more stash as it is!)  So other than a few misc bits, I hope to truly not be adding to my personal stash and list of immediate projects and such.  Good for trying to get things before DMC prices go up and anything else.  I always use my specials and coupons, too...I really hope to stick to that much better.  But that will all be for my next post, the first of 2014.  The year flew by, hope everyone is doing well!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pixel Mosaic XMAS Bunnies

First plate of my pixel mosaic XMAS Bunnies finished!  Only 3 more plates to do before I can put it together.  This is plastic pegs that fit on a clear acrylic pegboard. Tiny, 2mm pegs.  Whoever said one of these baseplates could be done in 4-7 hours is off their rocker!!    Faster than cross stitch??  Not by much.  Anyway, love it, frustrating, challenging, but addicting.

Real, that's gone by the wayside, at least for now.  At least making some progress on these other things, bit by bit.  I've changed up sites, I will need to adjust all the links......took down the store, and for now putting everything that is finished, on a WordPress site. Maybe that will be easier for a while.   And as always, still looking for people that want to cross stitch from home!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Working and Poppies in Vase

More progress on Design Works Poppies in Vase cross stitch. The entire vase part is finished, starting to work on the flowers. I still need to fill in the white on the vase, too, haven't done any white yet.  Maybe a decent finish in my near future!

I've actually made some progress on a few things, but getting around and taking pictures, getting organized, well that seems to be another story.   I've been real life working a little bit, and considering my health still being poorly, well, I am just beat these days.  I get to stitch a little when I am just too tired to do anything else, but haven't gotten up to go to bed.

Maybe next time I'll have a picture of my one panel of pixel art done, even.  It's just been a while since I posted, wanted to make sure I had something up here.  Really liking the pixel mosaics, frustrating, but fun.

Looks like I will be changing websites, too.  I just don't see being able to afford to renew the full shopping cart site, we'll see, not a year's payment at a time.  And I still need to work on that some, it's not all that loaded.   So I have started a free WordPress site, to start showcasing finished and pre order options, see how that works without even a shopping cart.  Blushin Rose Market Portfolio   nothing on it yet, but I hope to list some products very soon.  (Always able to directly paypal a payment; I don't expect these to go flying off the shelf.)   More news about that as more progress is made.

While it doesn't mean much in S. FL......hopefully some of you have cooler weather!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Poppies in Vase

Ok, an update, with another new start! I was just getting too frustrated at not being able to just stitch.  So this is Design Works cross stitch, Poppies in Vase.  Pretty new design I think, and it should work up pretty fast, this is only a few nights worth of limited stitch time.   A fun one, good WIP for me right now.  This is 14ct oatmeal aida, 2x1 full cross.

Hope everyone else is getting to stitch, with school back in, some definitely yes, I suspect, and a few not so much.  And I'm hearing it already.....those holidays are coming!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pixel Art, Mosaic Magic

So I've taken a little break.  Too many things going on to keep my head sorted straight. (does anyone not have major personal drama going on right now??)  And I ran across a kit that I got some time back.  And thought it might be a nice diversion from my other projects.  HA!  I've worked with the very small Japanese beads, the delicas, a lot, and these pegs, are about the same size.  Wow, just a glutton for punishment.  2mm plastic pegs that I must use tweezers for, to get lined up in the hole.  I think I've only lost 2 pegs that went flying so far.  This is a Christmas one!!! no less.  Christmas Bunnies, that will be on 4 panels.  I thought this would go faster than cross stitch, but I don't know.  Hard on my hands, and this is after three short nights of working on it.  I think I will be hooked, though.  -----Anyone have a kit they can't do and that they will part with??

Anyway, um, no, just not going there on the personal drama right now.  Life is totally upside down from where it was---where have I heard that before?  Enough already.   I am down to strictly making it from a small amount elsewhere, and what I can make now online.  I am burning the midnight oil at both ends. Unfortunately, even though I am restricted to being at home, most of it isn't crafting of much of any kind,  right now.  Sooooonnnn.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


I haven't made much progress on some other projects, so instead of posting my itsy new bits, I posted a newer one I haven't shown before.  This is Motherhood, from HAED, a very small black and white piece. Time for to go back to some simple concentration.  25ct white(I'd like to do it on some other baby colors) 1x1 full cross.  I haven't worked much with 25ct, my first attempts with the recommended 2x1 was disastrous, but I'm liking the 1x1.  I've done 1x1 on 28ct, and was afraid the coverage would be too light, but I like it, so hopefully I'll be using it more with all the 25ct I bought way back when.
Other than that, my personal life is in a total upheaval.   Again.  But this time, I'll be back on my own, so hopefully things will settle out and start to go more of the way I want, soon.  So I am moving again.  And this time, I don't have a lot of choices other than putting some serious effort into making my crafts as a business a success.  Wish me luck!!!  Still looking for stitchers, too, so you can join me.  I even started a little crochet again, to take a break, so I may be able to mix up the things for sale a bit.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Kitsy Lane, WAHM

Ok, I really will get back to some blog posting....but I wanted to drop a quick note for those following the PTC WAHM type stuff.  I seem to be in serious need of that kind of stuff now(more on that later), so I have started looking around for some new ways to make some money online.

Anyway, I have signed up here, for selling jewelry. Still A Rose  Lots of jewelry to pick from to stock your own online boutique.  Shop if you like, I love some of these designs.  Become a boutique owner if you like---NO inventory to stock or home parties to do!!  Weekly sales and discounts.

And other "clickwork", not a lot going on. I still have my favorites(to the left).  And will be changing some things since now is the time to put on the steam to get some sales.

Hope everyone has been doing some cool stitching!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mystic Garden SAL

Ok, an update, didn't think it had been this far behind. This is for the 2013 HAED cross stitch SAL.  This is Mystic Garden started, on 25ct antique rose, 1x1 full cross.  I'm kind of at a stopping point....again.  So I haven't gotten very far, and not sure I will.  I do this every SAL.....fantastic charts, so I end up joining, and I really don't have the time, or patience, for it.

Maybe I'll have better resolve and quit doing that.  These are intended for giveaways, so it's not totally frivolous, but based on what I am trying to get done,  it's more distraction than I can afford, I think. I have been physically feeling a little better, very small steps here and there.  It still takes me too long to do anything.(Bad enough that it already did before I got sick.)  I am feeling pressure to make the business venture more of a go, things that are finished, getting views, and a couple things generating money....before this time next year.

So I need to get my head on straight.  There are still plenty of things swirling in the personal background, as well as the road to recovery.  And I do have a few other things going to generate some immediate money.  I will need to change the balance of that some.  I also think I want to really concentrate more on the adult section of cross stitch.  The zodiac and birthstones are still important, too.  I need to cut back on allowing some willy nilly projects though.  And I still need stitchers that want to work at home with these kinds of charts.  Hopefully soon I will have more concrete info to post on a few things.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pics and SALs

Yep, I'm quite sure I've been remiss and a bit absent.  Busy, busy, mostly in the personal sense..not so much in the stitching or business sense.   Probably will be still hustling a bit over the next couple months. Trying to get an organized routine down---as helpful as it is hurtful!!

Anyway, so a burst of the other last pics of 2012 that I didn't get out here.  Top is Fractal 76 from Cross Stitch Collectibles, 1x1 on 28ct white.  Then SK Blossoms, SPML, HAED, 2x1 on 18ct white.  Letter R, Selina Fenech, HAED, 2x1 18ct white(sparklies are Kreinik #4 braid 1/2 only 2 strands).  And Forgiveness, Galbreth, HAED, 1x1 on 28ct white.

Other than that, main progress has been starting the HAED SAL, Mystic Garden, 1x1 on rose 25ct.  And a FB SAL, with a Tilton Crafts one, Vermilion Paradise 1x1 on 28ct white.  I had thought I was moving right along on QS Pale Rose, too....but messed up on it pretty good I guess while I was sick, so I tossed that--we just won't talk about that one right now.  At least I do want to restart it.